[FACIAL INDEX NEW YORK] Mr. Koyagi taught me how to choose glasses that suit you.



I want to wear glasses as a fashion item, but I don't have the confidence to choose them myself.Glasses have gained civil rights as a fashion item, but there are still many people who don't know what ``looks good'' on them.So, I consulted with Mr. Ogi, the deputy manager of FACIAL INDEX NEW YORK Nagoya store on the 2nd floor of Dai Nagoya Building.We are starting a "glasses selection report" where we will search together for the one that suits you best.

If you are interested in a frame, try hanging it first.Choosing glasses starts from there.

Mr. Oyagi's first comment was, ``First of all, please try it out as much as possible.'' ``If you find a frame that catches your eye while looking at the products in the store, you have to try it on first.It's not just about whether it suits you or not, glasses also have their own size.The hinge of glasses A frame that leaves a large space between the face and the face will be the wrong size (too large)."By watching customers trying on products, they get hints about what they're looking for and what they like. "Are you going to use your glasses for work or private? How many times a week do you want to wear them? We'll match your glasses to your usage and purpose."So this time, I will introduce “Weekly1~2I ordered glasses to wear in private (when going out) about once.

Then, Mr. Oyagi quickly said,3He selected book suggestions. ``My face is rather long, so I think a 'panto-shaped' frame with round lenses would look good on me.I chose a frame that is close to the color of my hair, mainly brown.''The candidate was a silver full metal frame (①KV-78L ATS), standard celluloid frame (②KC-65 PBR) brown, plastic+Metal combination frame (③KV-66 BRGR) Total3this.1As a result of comparing the books one by one, the one that suits her best at the moment is ①. Remove the frame from ② and remove the frame from ① and ③.2Leaving the frame of the book,FACIAL INDEX NEW YORK We will move to use the "special measuring instrument" unique to the Nagoya store.

Pick up the frame you're interested in and try hanging it.There are many things that you will notice for the first time when you hang it up.Don't assume that it doesn't suit you, but try it out proactively.

The frame that Mr. Koyanagi chose for her is as shown above in the photo.KV-66 BRGR(48,400circle),KC-65 PBR(46,200circle),KV-78L ATS(44,000yen's3Book.All <Kaneko Megane>.

When trying on clothes in front of the mirror,1Full metal frame (①)KV-78L ATS) is the first1to the candidate.

Using the latest measuring device "VISUFIT1000", objectively compare the fittings

“Kaneko Optical” is the first measuring instrument manufactured by Carl Zeiss to be introduced in the Tokai area.VISUFIT1000”.On this machine, the9with a camera180Every time9Since you can take photos from all directions at once, you can check and compare how the item looks from all angles.I actually tried on the frames ① and ③ and took pictures.

"2Not only can you compare how the book frames look when you try them on, but you can also check simulations of trendy colored lenses and photochromic lenses on your own face.Up until now, we had no choice but to use samples of colored lenses and ask customers to imagine how they would look wearing them, but by looking objectively at how they look wearing their lenses, the difference in the final image can be overwhelmingly improved. There will be less.”Especially when trying on prescription glasses after taking them off, there are many people who find it difficult to see because they are too close to the mirror.moreover2If you want to compare books, you have to rely on memory and impressions.Above all, objectively comparing yourself while wearing glasses often yields a different answer than comparing yourself in front of a mirror.In fact, she ultimately chose frame ③. "VISUFIT1000”, I was satisfied with the performance of1I was able to choose a book. <FACIAL INDEX NEW YORK Nagoya store> Unique look that suits you1How to find books.Please feel free to visit our store and experience it for yourself.

Measuring instrument manufactured by <Carl Zeiss>VISUFIT1000"so,2A photo of me trying on the book frame.

Of course, you can compare side-by-side photos, but you can also take photos of the whole body, not just the front.9You can see how it looks when trying on the direction.It gave a completely different impression than when I tried it on in front of the mirror.

You can simulate the detailed density of colored lenses on your own face, so you can feel at ease when trying colored lenses for the first time.Maybe you can find out which lens color suits you best? !

Finally, plastic+Metal combination frame (KV-66 BRGR) decided!Different frames were chosen when trying on the clothes in front of a mirror and using a measuring device.This highlights the importance of trying on clothes using a measuring device.

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